International Society of Exposure Science | International Society of Environmental Epidemiology Conference | August 26 – 30 | 2018 | Ottawa

CANUE Members are heading to Ottawa in August 2018!

Keep in the loop via the Newsletter.

In-FLAME 7th Annual Workshop | Apr. 4 – 6th| 2018| Canmore Alberta

At this critical time in human history, low grade inflammation and immune dysfunction are both a non-communicable disease (NCD) reality and a metaphor for broken systems. In this new era, it is becoming increasingly important to integrate seemingly disconnected areas of research. This is the ongoing mandate of inFLAME.

The 2018 program promises to be the most exciting yet, with new speakers who bring expertise to many exciting, diverse and intersecting topics.

Please REGISTER soon so we can finalize venue bookings and catering! You can also find all the accommodation options on our website!

This is one of the most beautiful places imaginable to talk about the importance of healthy environments for human health and resilience. Our rich program so far includes:

  • Urban landscapes, mobility and environmental impacts on child health
  • Early immune phenotypes: disease and microbial signature associations
  • Epigenetic sign posts for predicting and preventing disease
  • Dynamics of the microbiome and metabolome in early life
  • Restoring sustainability, health and mutualism in the Anthropocene
  • Projected effects of climate change on food, water and human health
  • Influence of indoor and outdoor environmental microbiomes
  • Personalised data clouds for understanding wellness and predicting disease
  • Microbiota, immunoregulation, and mental health: implications for public health
  • Impact of ultra-processed foods in western and Indigenous populations
  • Maternal obesity, microbiome and offspring effects.
  • Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and the food allergy epidemic
  • Nature relatedness and novel pathways to reduce stress and inflammation
  • Nutritional interventions and probiotics forthe gut-brain-immune axis
  • The anti-inflammatory effects of positive emotions for health and resilience
  • Optimism interventions for improved outcomes in children
  • Mindfulness and inflammatory markers
  • Antimicrobial resistance, food safety and animal health
  • Solastalgia: understanding the stress and distress caused by environmental degradation
  • Early life stress, noise, sleep disruption and immune disease

……and much, much more!!

Thanks to all who have submitted abstracts so far. Travel awards have closed but general abstracts are open until January 30th 2018.

Wishing you all the best for the Festive Season!

See you in the Canadian Rockies!

Susan Prescott

Anita Kozyrskyj

Dianne Campbell


Canadian Public Health Conference | Montreal May 28th-31st

CANUE members are heading to Montreal, May 28th-31st | 2018

Look for us at the CPHA conference in May!